Warm blankets and house shopping :)

>> Monday, July 20

Yesterday I was catching up on some blog reading and ran across something at marysgranddaughter's blog. You can be a knit-a-square hero by knitting or crocheting an 8" square and send it to Soweto Comfort Club. Then they put all the squares together and make blankets for orphans suffering with or affected by AIDS. Such a beautiful idea, and a great way to use those scraps of yarn. So check out their website and keep it in mind after you finish your next knitting project.
So I'm not sure if I mentioned this before- right now I live with my sister, her husband, and their son Aidan. I'm job hunting around Nashville and plan to move out when I find something. Well I had always planned on renting as I usually would, but my sister and I went condo shopping for fun! And I'll tell you what- when they say it's a buyer's market, they're not kidding! We've only gone to 2 different complexes but I saw one I REALLY REALLY like- it's a 2 bed 2 bath.

And then as I was starting to get scared about having a mortgage payment (I have commitment issues) my sister suggested that I could rent out the other bedroom... she's such a genius, that's why I bring her :) It's just so bizarre, I had never thought about buying, but with the low interest rates and the first time home buyers' credit, it's totally possible. YIKES! Now all weekend, I keep thinking of all the little things I would do around the place and how I would decorate it. I would love to lay tile and hardwood floors eventually- I can be pretty handy when I try:)

I gotta get moving on this job thing!!


audreyscountrycrafts July 26, 2009 at 6:22 PM  

Buying just makes more sense the renting. When you move out - you sell and have money. If you rent - you move out and have nothing.

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