Feeling grateful!

>> Friday, August 28

I'm feeling so inspired by all of you doing your Friday reviews on how good your week has been! I decided I should take a little time to concentrate on the good things in my life!

... My family. After being gone last year, it has been so nice to be back in the country and able to call up my mom or go have lunch with my sister. I don't have to worry about time differences or anything like that. And we're all super excited because my brother is getting married to his long-time girlfriend in about 3 weeks! We all love them both and can't wait to see them get hitched!

... I got a call back about a job today! It's here in Nashville, and we've scheduled an interview for Tuesday. It just shows me that God has His plan and things may not work out the way you want them to all the time, but it always ends up for the best! Keeping my fingers crossed for next week...

... Being crafty! It has been my saving grace these last few months. My jewelry gives me the creative outlet I need and gives me a little bit of spending money in the process. Plus I get to meet all of you crafty people!

ps- I'll try to borrow a camera this weekend to take a picture of that cowl I'm knitting. It's coming along nicely!!

Hope y'all have a great weekend!!


Audrey August 28, 2009 at 9:27 PM  

Good luck with the job! It would be great to see a picture of that cowl!!
Have a great weekend too.

Baroness Bijoutery August 28, 2009 at 10:08 PM  

Fingers crossed for you and your interview...Can't wait to see a picture of the Cow...Have a great weekend...

Angela September 22, 2009 at 1:01 AM  

Heidi! Been missing you. Hope everything is okay.

TLC Inspirations September 27, 2009 at 8:56 PM  

Good luck on your interview. I sometimes need to take stock of my life and count my blessings...to remember to be grateful for my friends and family; everything.

And I need to start taking my crafts more seriously; they are MY saving grace, too, but sometimes they end up last on my list. Must remember to prioritize - the RIGHT way!

Thanks for the 'reminder' :)

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